
Comments people have made regarding my training. Thanks everyone!

February 2019

Thought you might like to know - we had a focus group a few weeks ago with our Masters students. I personally loved the comment that... "Nick's session has changed the way I interact with clients - I no longer feel embarrassed to talk to clients about future work".

(Extract of an email received from 'The Head of Talent Development' of an international law firm regarding a full-day's session I delivered)

November 2018

I've provided feedback, but just want to reiterate how good I think the course was. BD is largely seen as a "dark art" or a "necessary evil". The content, and more importantly delivery, of the course certainly made me feel much more confident and I would hazard that all of us on it would feel like we had a better idea of what, and more importantly why, we should be doing in the context of BD.

(Business Development: comment from a senior associate)

October 2018

Without wishing to be over dramatic Nick's talk and advice literally changed the way I approach my business and marketing now. He is spot on when he says that lawyers are too shy to come out and ask for the work direct and we tend to dance around the issue and potential clients for months (years!) hoping for the business but not coming out and asking. I put this straight into practice the week after and won a good piece of work. I now carry his little booklet in my handbag and review it on the way to meet new potential clients. Thanks to you for brining Nick in - his advice was literally a game changer.

(Presentation Skills: Senior Associate)

March 2018

I wanted to thank you for pushing us out of our comfort zones, teaching us to think outside of the box and taking us out of ourselves a bit! I don't think I will ever prepare for a presentation in the 'old' way and I certainly won't be standing behind a lectern with my slide deck any time soon.
Hopefully see you at another training session soon!

(Presentation Skills: Senior Associate)

May 2018

Nick Davies LLB Barrister delivered one the best courses I have ever attended. His extensive knowledge, quick wit and industry insight made for a truly invaluable and unforgettable experience.

(LinkedIn post from a Trainee Solicitor after attending a Influence, Persuasion and Negitiation Course)

February 2018

I just wanted to say thanks again for the excellent training session yesterday - it was really timely for me and has definitely helped me approach things slightly differently. I've certainly never had training quite like it but it was such a refreshing and relaxed approach and I can remember more from it than any other training I've ever done.

(From a partner who attended a half-day session on 'Effective Business Development')

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